Friday, March 31, 2006
So I've been wanting to go out with this guy for some time now and we've been emailing each other. How do you know if they are just being friendly or are really into you? Oh yeah, I know read the book "he's just not into you". I mean we flirt but how do you take the next step?
CoTeX Seventh Heaven
Mail your regos today to save money. Price goes up on April 1st. Leave me a comment if you're going. Ruidoso is a wonderful hashing area and it looks like the lodging is cute little cabins!! Woo camping! Texas people will need to fly into Albuquerque or El Paso. Right now it looks like you'd have a better chance finding a ride from ALB.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Brenham St. Paddy's Day Hash
Here are the pics
What an awesome hash we had in Brenham for St. Paddy's Day. Our 3rd trail in less than a week!! That's a record for wanking hashers. Wet Spot (that be me) was the hare with a little help from Rollin' Nutless. This was a green hash. Every item of clothing had to have green on it. 3 shot checks in 4 miles. The first was at Salem Fire Department where we drank Margaritas (green). Next was at Home Depot where we did Creme de Menthe with chocolate mint candy...yum! Third was at the old Preference Inn (I think it's America's Choice now or something). Apple Pucker!! Gymno took a nasty spill right before this one and cut her knee. On home was Buddy's Appliance right on the hill next to BAR (Bottles and Racks). They had the back door open so we were treated to our own karaoke show while doing circle.
Gymno decided she was going to shortcut to avoid shiggy (which she long cutted) and went around the loop to BAR where she called me. We told her we were at Rollin's house and did I want her to come get her? (the whole time we are standing on the hill watching her talk to us...hilarious!) So we all walked over to the edge of the hill to "pick her up". Circle was had, we had civilian wankers join in and out on their way into the bar. Sometime in this debauchery we decided to play stupid hair tricks...put someone else's hair on our head. We were laughing so have to see the pics to understand. Then on down to the bar for an hour where we picked up half the people to come back and join us on the hill for more beer. The cops finally told us we had to leave...cannot consume alcohol in public after I never knew that. Even on private property. You can drink in your backyard but not your front. Darn laws. On On to Rollin's for much more drinking and a game of Cranium on the front of his truck. Good times, I tell ya. If you haven't hashed in Brenham, you are missing out on a wonderful hash experience. On out....spotty.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Brenham Full Moon Run
Full Moon Pics
Above is the link for the Brenham Full Moon Hash hared by Rollin' Nutless on March 14, 2006. Yeah, I'm a little behind. Bite me (please! - except Ass Gagger..I hear your bites hurt!). So we had a nice little crowd - Yard Ralph, Red Foreskin, Pornophobia, Harey Cum, Gymno, Hound Dog, Wet Spot, and your hare Rollin', along with a visit from his puppies at the on home, Bailey and Puppy. Nice little trail with a beer check at Robert's service station, then at the Cemetary (see full moon pics - lots of full moons!). Out thru Blinn College where all the hounds got lost because we walked around a patch of fresh dirt where the hare had laid an arrow. Over the tracks (or not because Yard Ralph had a bad train episode a few weeks back) to Jackson St. Park where we picked up trail, then on on to Rollin's house for the ON HOME. WOW, we have never ended here before! OK, well maybe we've ended here 35 of our 69 runs. Nice little circle that lasted forever (cause Gymno and Wet Spot are ALL about the circle!). Then into Rollin's house to change and head to BAR (Bottles AND Racks) for more beer. Good times, I tell ya. You get Gymno & Red together and you're entertained for hours. Stay tuned for St. Paddy's Day pic and write up.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Hash Songs
So I'll get back to Texas Interhash..right now I'm listening to Barry Manilow sing "Are you Lonesome tonight" and all I can sing is "are you lonesome tonight...was the hash outta sight" - Red Foreskin wrote this kickass shortcutter lost bastard song. Ya know how every hash song that was taken from a real song ruins the real version for ya? The ice cream man comes around and all I can sing is "It's a short dick" or "whip it out at the ball game". I cannot even remember real words to songs now. I'm a hasher thru and thru.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
So Monday night I was consumed with work so much that all I dreamed about were calculating numbers. Over and over in my head. All night long in my sleep. Yesterday went well and I am getting caught up so last night I packed. So what did I dream about last night? Hashing, of course. We were at the pub crawl and I was talking to someone who doesn't even hash anymore. Then we were at the camp and another ex-Brenham hasher was parking his RV (which he doesn't even own) when the breaks went out and it went rolling towards the lake (which won't be there). Seems his battery went dead which caused the brakes to not work (I'm no mechanic but I don't think that's how it works???). Then I was telling Tuna Delight that I had her Polka Tape and she didn't care....what?? NO "please pass the schnapps" at Interhash? That's just not right. Then there was a little issue with the nekkid hash which I can't mention 'cause I'd ruin our surprise. Then I was sleeping alone!! It's gonna be way too cold....ya'll couple up to conserve heat. I'm sure this means everything will be just perfect. As long as there is enough alcohol, all is well.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Miss me?
I know you guys keep checking back here to see what revolutionary new thing i have to say next but I have no time to blog. Why is it that when you plan to take a day off, everything gets busy? Whew...taking work home every night, packing, buying cute jammies for the pub crawl, time to blog! To all you hashers coming to Interhash, see you Thurs or Fri. All others...check back next week for pictures and stories. Until then, my cheeky little monkeys.....
Friday, March 17, 2006
Who wants a dirty girl??
So I just found out no running water at TXIH. WTF? I guess I will be nasty all weekend. sponge baths for me. Ick. I hate being dirty. Well, I like it sometimes but not for long periods of time. Maybe I'll make the drive to the nearest town (which I imagine won't be near at all). Or maybe I'll befriend someone with an RV. Or maybe I can pay for a shower. Maybe I'll get a solar shower or bring a kiddie pool and lots of water. Options options. I'm a hasher. I'll make due. Is it the 23rd yet? I'm ready to drink. Oh yeah, we have a hash here tonight. I will be drinking.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Viva La Bam!
Man I love love love this show! Any of yunz (got that word from Brownie and it won't go away!) watch it? Bam and his yahoos crack me up. It takes a lot to get me to laugh out loud watching tv by myself but they do it. And Vito....he speaks English but they have to subtitle his speech. Bam reminds me of my older brother. He was crazy funny growing up. Always doing something outrageous. Somehow me and my younger brother always got into trouble for things he did....hmmm. Those were the days.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Life...the ride or the end goal?
So I was watching "Along Came Polly" last night with Jennifer Aniston and Ben Stiller (hey, I was at the gym and did not feel like finding the remote). There's a scene at the end where Ben's daddy says something about life not being about what you want out of it but the ride getting there. I have been thinking about that all night. My ride is stalling out. Time for a major change. No sitting around thinking anymore about what I want. My ride is going to speed up big time. No worrying about what other people think or feel. It's my life, time to live it. Look for a new attitude. If I hurt anyone or leave anyone behind, tough nookie. Speaking of nookie....I still need a pony. Scratch that, I've had enough ponies, I need a stallion.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Edited...What a Hash!! with pics!!
This pic was the "bite the nipple and suck that tit" song....hilarious, it was. Check out Heartache getting into it!
Yesterday was just an awesome day. Headed to BCS to hash. Got there early enough to enjoy a wonderful meal at On The Border (thanks Yard Ralph and Red Foreskin for my birthday gift certies!) AND a super size berry Margarita. Yum! ON ON to the start at HEB. Rollin and I were among the first few to arrive. Then a few more. Then a few more. Then word that yet more were on the way. All in all, around 30 hounds for a Sat eATMe trail. Not just any 30 hounds, 30 of my most favoritists hounds in the entire hashing world! Great trail, great circle (way to go Yard Ralph!).
Then more debauchery at the Elks (I remember some splits on top of the bar?) then on on on to YR/RF house for hot tubbing (I remember a delish margarita in a fancy glass!) and lots of singing and game playing.
Finally headed home to hit the last hour of the bar but was beat. Here are my pics of the circle.....darn batteries ran out. Here are Tiny's pics. Way to go eATMe hash!
today off to meet hashers at Lake Somerville for relaxing in the water and sun and a few more suds to end a great weekend.
Friday, March 10, 2006
So it's Friday...
big deal. Whatever. But I did go buy a new digital camera today. Canon Powershot A520. Can't wait to play with it. I'm either going to Texas Tavern tonight for live music (don't know who's playing) or to BAR for karaoke (more fun,more friends I like to hang with there). Tomorrow is a hashing day! I'll be at the home of Ass Gagger's famous Aggies for an eATMe hash. Should be an interesting trail laid by Pornophobia. There will be Mosquito hashers there (can't wait to see you Crack/Donut!). Look for pics from my new camera on Monday!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Digital Camera....Suggestions??
So it's way past time for me to buy a digital camera. Here's the thing..I don't want to spend a lot of money - like $100-$125. I mainly want it for internet stuff...don't really need to make prints. It's not that I'm cheap or poor (ok, I'm both - bite me) but rather that I like to spend my money on hashing and drinking and clothes and gas to get me to hashing, drinking, and clothes shopping. Another big reason is that I seem to lose stuff everywhere I go so I know this will probably be the first thing I lose so I'll have to replace it once a month. Anyone have any suggestions? I want a compact one. I was looking at this one Any suggestions..what to look for, what to avoid?
Monday, March 06, 2006
Men are Folders, Women are Scrunchers
......or so the majority says. Girls - 4 scrunchers, 3 folders. Guys - 3 folders, 1 scruncher.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Are you a Folder or a Scruncher?
So I heard this on the radio the other day - how do you use toilet paper? Do you scrunch it into a ball or do you fold it? Females do it predominantly one way and males the other. So I'm taking a poll......I am a folder.