Miss me?
I know you guys keep checking back here to see what revolutionary new thing i have to say next but I have no time to blog. Why is it that when you plan to take a day off, everything gets busy? Whew...taking work home every night, packing, buying cute jammies for the pub crawl, pedicure....no time to blog! To all you hashers coming to Interhash, see you Thurs or Fri. All others...check back next week for pictures and stories. Until then, my cheeky little monkeys.....
see ya on Fri..or thus...who knows
are you going cute or sexy ?
Check back for stories??? Who is going to remember anything from this weekend!?!?
I haven't had time to blog either! Work has been crazy and my nights are filled as well. Only have time to cruise a few blogs during the day on breaks....
See ya tomorrow!
EZ..whatever dude.
Trojan...thurs?? let me know! give me a ringy dingy tomorrow if you're going thurs.
G..a little of both? I need a big pink fluffy robe...gonna be cold!
Brae...good point. The pics will say all. Beware!
If i go thurs it will be hooking up with another Hasher who is going downtown a bit later..I'll be done at the gym about 7pm..:)
Man I'm SO jealous of you guys! I expect drunk dials to fill me in on all the fun I'm missing.
BH...I guess we would need your phone number for that...email me lorit999@yahoo.com and we will comply!
Trojan...surprise me!
AG...I hear ya! see you thurs! woo hoo you Interhash Virgin! I'm gonna be stalking you taking lots of devirginizing photos of you!
I'm going to have to find away to stop Sarah(my daughter) from looking on my computer after InterHash...lol
Baby...create a pseudo blog....change names to protect the innocent. then send us all the link..ha ha!
I just sent them to you. Be sure to check your junk mail if you don't see it (subject line TXIH) as yahoo has a bad habit of putting gmail messages in the Junk folder.
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